About Me…

Photography opens up a way to share personal experiences, capturing those fleeting moments that would otherwise have gone unnoticed. As a nature photographer, I am continuously inspired and amazed by the diversity and complexity of the natural world. The simple act of sharing the beauty of the natural world with others is a powerful tool to highlight the environmental plight both at home and across the world.

The way I see the world translates into my work, where I see animals as part of a dynamic and living environment. Wildlife is an integral part of the landscape and as such each ecosystem has its own unique story to tell and I strive to capture that story in my work when I can.

From my childhood, few things in my life have given me greater joy than being amongst nature and I count myself fortunate that this sense of excitement and wonder has never left me.

Exploring the woods as a child, pond dipping for sticklebacks and being amazed at their iridescence, looking for fossils… these solitary experiences were mine alone and I love to capture these moments and share them with the wider world.